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Start your own Advertising / Publishing Network Company

Easy Publisher 2009

Easy Publisher 2009, is a powerful platform that provides a full advertising / publishing network with a unique search engine.
All platform can be customized as your own brand (private label). So you will be able to run your own advertising network company.

You will offer full services to those who want to advertise online and those who want to publish advertisements online (Publishers).

Using this platform you start your online advertising and publishing business in just few minutes to provide services to both Advertisers and Publishers.

Easy Publisher has been designed to provide you with a cutting edge platform.

Easy Publisher platform includes following features:

1. Advertisers: Those who have a website or web page and want to advertise their business / web site or blog online

2. Publishers: Those who want to publish ads online in order to generate money online

3. A cutting-edge search engine platform to display advertisements on search engine result pages


Admin Features

  • Complete monitoring and access to members list, editing, activating, blocking, freezing, verifying account, contacting members
  • Membership plan customizing, adding plans, editing plans, choosing length of membership, amount and methods of payments
  • Complete access on Advertiser accounts including monitoring and checking URL of ads added to the network
  • Full notifications by email and SMS to admin on all events
  • Very easy support ticketing system, issuing reference for each ticket submitted
  • Customizing the look / colours and skin of the platform


Search Engine

You are provided with a search engine that your advertiser ads appear on search results pages. Using the search engine you have your own brand search engine which is your own web site name. For example will be you search engine address. The search engine is crawled daily, finds and adds new web sites automatically. You can customize the face, colours and skin of your search engine.

Search engine features:

  • Web search
  • Image search
  • Blog search
  • News search
  • Crawled daily


Easy Publisher platform runs on any Windows server that supports followings:
  • A domain name for your business
  • ASP 3 or ASP Classic
  • PHP
  • Mysql db

These features are almost found on any Windows server hosting.

You will need 2 domain names, one for the platform of Advertisers / Publishers and one domain for your search engine


Installation is very easy. You just upload the platform to your web site using FTP and run the platform, the platform will  be installed in few minutes and you are ready to go

Buy Online


Latest Distribution


November 2008

Last Update:

March 2010

Requirements: Windows XP, VISTA, 7
ASP and PHP support
MySql db



Email Questions

[email protected]

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